Antigone vuole abortire? è un dialogo immaginario sul corpo e sull’autodeterminazione, tra Rocco Campanella, obiettore di coscienza antiabortista e Antigone, icona secolare dell’obiezione, oggi portatrice delle nuove e giovani istanze del contemporaneo. Si tratta di due generazioni, divise da spazio e tempo, che provano a parlare di vita e fallimento attraverso immagini, documenti e danza. Che tipo di scelta ha senso fare? Ho il permesso di farla?
Antigone vuole abortire? è un dialogo immaginario sul corpo e sull’autodeterminazione, tra Rocco Campanella, obiettore di coscienza antiabortista e Antigone, icona secolare dell’obiezione, oggi portatrice delle nuove e giovani istanze del contemporaneo. Si tratta di due generazioni, divise da spazio e tempo, che provano a parlare di vita e fallimento attraverso immagini, documenti e danza. Che tipo di scelta ha senso fare? Ho il permesso di farla?
Vorrò sempre me stessa. Sempre. Due giorni fa mi sono scritta una poesia d’amore. Sono una donna che coltiva fiori tra i denti, che danza per allontanare il dolore. E tutto questo mi rafforza con l’età. Ospito me stessa in me. Sono intera.
Ijeoma Umebinyu
Ijeoma Umebinyu
Rocco Campanella (1921-1999) era mio zio. Siciliano professore liceale di latino e greco, pacifista, nonviolento, è stato uno dei primi obiettori di coscienza alle spese militari in Italia, e anche a quelle abortive. Dopo aver partecipato da soldato alla Seconda guerra mondiale, avendone compreso l’insensatezza e l’atrocità da vicino, decide di dedicare tutta la sua vita alla costruzione e alla diffusione di un metodo di azione nonviolento di ispirazione cristiana e gandhiana. Detrae quindi dalle tasse la somma affidata alle spese per la difesa bellica; tra il 1981 e il 1983 partecipa attivamente alle lotte per il disarmo della città di Comiso (RG) promuovendo la campagna pacifista “1 metro di pace” che prevedeva l’acquisto di una parte del territorio dedicato a quella che doveva essere l’unica base militare americana in territorio italiano; diffonde il suo lavoro ai suoi studenti liceali attraverso un programma educativo legato alla strategia nonviolenta. Mio zio Rocco è sempre stato un forte modello per me, una fonte d'ispirazione. Ho ammirato e continuo ad ammirare il suo lavoro, la tenacia, la dedizione alla pratica nonviolenta. Ho iniziato ad affrontare artisticamente la sua storia nel 2020 con il progetto fotografico Si vis pacem, ripercorrendo le tappe della sua obiezione antimilitarista, omettendo, però, quella antiabortista, perché non mi sentivo pronta. Oggi voglio parlarne, provando a dialogare con lui. Io sono Antigone, figura che lo ha accompagnato anche nel progetto precedente. In Si vis pacem le loro storie si completavano, oggi si trovano faccia a faccia per comprendersi in una conversazione impossibile sul senso della scelta.
Does Antigone want an abortion? is an imaginary dialogue on the body and self-determination, between Rocco Campanella, an anti-abortion conscientious objector and Antigone, a centuries-old icon of objection, today the bearer of new and young contemporary demands. These two generations, divided by space and time, try to talk about life and failure through images, documents and dance. What kind of choice does it make sense to make? Am I allowed to make it?
I will always want myself. Always. Two days ago I wrote myself a love poem. I am a woman who grows flowers in her teeth, who dances to ward off pain. And all this strengthens me as I grow older. I house myself in me. I am whole.
Ijeoma Umebinyu
Rocco Campanella (1921-1999) was my uncle. A Sicilian high school teacher of Latin and Greek, pacifist, nonviolent, he was one of the first conscientious objectors to military spending in Italy, and also to abortion. After participating as a soldier in the Second World War, having understood its senselessness and atrocity up close, he decided to dedicate his entire life to building and spreading a nonviolent method of action inspired by Christianity and Gandhianism. He then deducted from his taxes the sum assigned to war defence expenses; between 1981 and 1983 he actively participated in the struggle for disarmament in the city of Comiso (RG) by promoting the pacifist campaign '1 metre of peace', which involved the purchase of part of the land dedicated to what was to be the only American military base on Italian territory; he disseminated his work to his high school students through an educational programme linked to the non-violent strategy. My uncle Rocco has always been a strong role model for me, a source of inspiration. I admired and continue to admire his work, his tenacity, his dedication to nonviolent practice. I began to deal with his story artistically in 2020 with the photographic project Si vis pacem, retracing the stages of his anti-militarist objection, omitting, however, the anti-abortion one, because I did not feel ready. Today I want to talk about it, trying to dialogue with him. I am Antigone, a figure who also accompanied him in his previous project. In Si vis pacem their stories complemented each other, today they come face to face to understand each other in an impossible conversation about the meaning of choice.
Does Antigone want an abortion? is an imaginary dialogue on the body and self-determination, between Rocco Campanella, an anti-abortion conscientious objector and Antigone, a centuries-old icon of objection, today the bearer of new and young contemporary demands. These two generations, divided by space and time, try to talk about life and failure through images, documents and dance. What kind of choice does it make sense to make? Am I allowed to make it?
I will always want myself. Always. Two days ago I wrote myself a love poem. I am a woman who grows flowers in her teeth, who dances to ward off pain. And all this strengthens me as I grow older. I house myself in me. I am whole.
Ijeoma Umebinyu
Rocco Campanella (1921-1999) was my uncle. A Sicilian high school teacher of Latin and Greek, pacifist, nonviolent, he was one of the first conscientious objectors to military spending in Italy, and also to abortion. After participating as a soldier in the Second World War, having understood its senselessness and atrocity up close, he decided to dedicate his entire life to building and spreading a nonviolent method of action inspired by Christianity and Gandhianism. He then deducted from his taxes the sum assigned to war defence expenses; between 1981 and 1983 he actively participated in the struggle for disarmament in the city of Comiso (RG) by promoting the pacifist campaign '1 metre of peace', which involved the purchase of part of the land dedicated to what was to be the only American military base on Italian territory; he disseminated his work to his high school students through an educational programme linked to the non-violent strategy. My uncle Rocco has always been a strong role model for me, a source of inspiration. I admired and continue to admire his work, his tenacity, his dedication to nonviolent practice. I began to deal with his story artistically in 2020 with the photographic project Si vis pacem, retracing the stages of his anti-militarist objection, omitting, however, the anti-abortion one, because I did not feel ready. Today I want to talk about it, trying to dialogue with him. I am Antigone, a figure who also accompanied him in his previous project. In Si vis pacem their stories complemented each other, today they come face to face to understand each other in an impossible conversation about the meaning of choice.

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi

Foto di Carlo Sgarzi
12 maggio 2023
Dispositivo performativo partecipato
Residenza nell'ambito di Collagene - Proteine Culturali
DAS - Dispositivo Arti Sperimentali, Bologna
Direzione artistica: Noemi Pittalà e Giulia Di Vattimo
Immagini e video: Noemi Pittalà
20 novembre 2021
Exhibition fotografica + live performance
Theatre Dance Division, Roma
Ideazione e Regia: Noemi Pittalà
Direzione artistica e performativa: Giulia Di Vattimo
Guest Performer: Nunzia Picciallo
Fotografie: Noemi Pittalà
Musiche: Enrico Maria Paolillo